Census 2021
- Population (Nackawic): 962
- Land Mass: 7.68 sq km
- Population density: 125.2 people/sq km
- Population of surrounding area: Approximately 5200
- Language usage: 90% English
- Ratio male/female: 50/50
- % Population Age 0-14: 14.5%
- % Population Age 15-64: 53.9%
- % Population Age 65+: 30.6%
- % Population Age 85+: 2.1%
- % Average Age of Population: 47.6
- % Median Age of Population: 52.4
- Total private dwellings: 451
- Populaton (Millville): 274
- Population (Dumfries): 420
- Population (Southampton): 1497
- Population (Queensbury): 1237